What you need to know about nappy rash

  • Advice
  • April 14, 2016

Even the best cared for babies may experience nappy rash. Your baby’s tender skin is delicate and can be irritated by stools, urine, humidity, detergents, soaps, alcohol and chemicals in lotions and oils.

How to recognise nappy rash

Nappy rash symptoms can vary from a shiny patch of red skin, scaly skin, spotty, bright red skin if the rash becomes secondarily infected.

Why does it occur?

There may be no obvious reason for nappy rash occurring in your child. Some babies have more sensitive skin than others and even the best cared for babies may experience nappy rash. The most common cause is when the skin becomes inflamed after contact with the chemicals in urine, faeces or both. Nappy rash is most likely to occur if nappies are not changed often enough of if the baby has diarrhoea. Friction caused by the nappy rubbing against baby’s delicate skin and washing detergents not thoroughly rinsed out of reusable nappies can also contribute to the development of nappy rash.

When is nappy rash most likely to occur?

Nappy rash can happen at any time and there may be no obvious reason as some babies naturally have more sensitive skin and may be more prone to the condition.

However, there are certain times where babies are more susceptible to nappy rash, such as:

  • During teething
  • Changing from breast to bottle feeding
  • When starting on solid foods
  • After antibiotics, which can upset baby’s digestive system
  • Drinking cow’s milk for the first time
  • Eating acidic foods such as citrus, tomatoes and strawberries

Is nappy rash serious?

The extent of nappy rash can vary greatly. The burning and itching feeling of nappy rash may cause baby to be uncomfortable, irritable and restless. While it may be sore for baby the good news is that it is usually not serious.

How to prevent and treat nappy rash

There are a number of ways to prevent baby from getting nappy rash:

  • Change baby’s nappy as soon as possible after soiling
  • Carefully wash the nappy area using warm water and cotton wool
  • Use a fragrance and alcohol free baby wipe
  • Work in some nappy free time to let the skin breath
  • Change the nappy before putting baby down to sleep
  • If a reusable nappy is used, wash in a mild washing powder or detergent and always rinse nappies well.

If the rash persists, speak to your doctor or healthcare professional.

The application of Sudocrem will assist in easing the symptoms of nappy rash and help keep your baby happy!

Sudocrem Healing Cream can help to soothe, heal and protect skin from Nappy Rash. To find out more about Sudocrem please visit our FAQ page here.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your health care professional.


onMay 14, 2022
Lynne WilsonDigital & PR
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